Auto zoom🔗

This displays a separate enlarged area with moving objects.


This module will only work on the cameras on which it has been enabled by the administrator of video surveillance system.


Auto zoom functions only when the frame resolution from the camera exceeds the cell size. If the resolution from the camera is less than or equal to the cell size, the separate area will not be zoomed.

To enable Auto zoom during real-time viewing select Enable auto zoom in the cell context menu.

Thereafter, in real time mode when fixing the motion in the frame the zoomed area with the objects detected by motion detection software will be displayed.

The image will be scaled in such a way that all currently moving frames were included in the frame.

The following method may be helpful:

One and the same channel that uses Auto zoom is located in Eocortex Client in neighboring grid cells. The Enable Auto zoom is activated only for a single cell. Thus, it is possible to simultaneously display both the entire frame and the zoomed area with moving objects.

The figure below shows such example: In the left frame Enable Auto zoom is enabled, in the right it is disabled.
