In the opened authorization form, enter the user name and password, then click Connect.
It is possible to connect to Eocortex servers running with Enterprise and ULTRA licenses under Active Directory account, if the administrator of the video surveillance system has configured such functionality for the user.
For Active Directory accounts, the user name is specified as: username@domain; where domain is the domain name, username is the name of the user in the domain.
At the first launch, a blank page (without display from the cameras) will be opened.
This authorization method is insecure because the user's password is transmitted in the clear. It is not recommended to use it on open or public networks.
To perform automatic authorization, you must enter a URL in the following format:
If your password contains special characters such as ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ), you should encode them according to RFC 1630 before sending them. To do this, perform the following steps:
Open the Developer Tools by pressing the F12 key.
Click the Console tab.
Enter the encodeURIComponent function in the console with your password as a parameter, for example: encodeURIComponent('password').
Copy the resulting value without quotation marks.
Use this encoded value as your password.
For example, for the password qwerty!@##^&qwerty, the encoded string would look like this: qwerty!%40%23%23%23%5E%26qwerty.
This authorization method supports authorization of users through Active Directory.