Installing, updating, and removing Long-term database🔗

The Long-term database service ensures storing of selected types of events and access to them regardless of the archive storage settings. With this service there is no need to be concerned that event data will be lost if the archive is deleted.


This feature is available only for Enterprise and ULTRA licenses.

The service can be installed on any computer without installing the Eocortex server on it.

Only one service instance can be configured for the entire system.

The service can be installed using the following two options:

  • Online, if the device has Internet access.

  • Offline, if the device does not have Internet access.

Online installation
  1. Add Eocortex repository:

    wget -O - | bash
  2. Install the service.

    sudo apt-get install eocortex-long-term-database-service
Offline installation


For this installation method, you will need a computer with Internet access and the same operating system as the one on which you want to install the Long-term database service.

  1. Clear local repository:

    sudo apt-get clean
  2. Add Eocortex repository:

    wget -O - | bash
  3. Install all required packages (dependencies):

    sudo apt-get install -d -y eocortex-long-term-database-service
  4. Create the LongTermDatabasePackages directory and transfer all downloaded packages to it:

    mkdir ~/LongTermDatabasePackages/ && cp -R /var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb ~/LongTermDatabasePackages/
  5. After that, copy the entire LongTermDatabasePackages directory to a USB drive and transfer the data to the server. Install the Long-term database service and all dependencies using the following command:

    sudo dpkg -i /path_to_LongTermDatabasePackages/*.deb

The following dependency packages must be installed in the operating system for the service to work:

  • aspnetcore-runtime-6.0 (>= 6.0)

  • debconf (>= 0.5)

  • postgresql-12

During the online installation the dependency packages will be installed automatically, while during the offline installation they may require to be installed manually.

To check if a package is installed and its version, use the command dpkg -s %package_name%.


To update the service, run the following commands:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install eocortex-long-term-database-service

Or download a new version package from the repository and install it manually using the dpkg command.


To uninstall the service, use the following command:

sudo apt-get remove eocortex-long-term-database-service
Online installation
  1. Add Eocortex repository:

    wget -O - | bash
  2. Install the service.

    sudo apt-get install eocortex-long-term-database-service
Offline installation


For this installation method, you will need a computer with Internet access and the same operating system as the one on which you want to install the Long-term database service.

  1. Clear local repository:

    sudo apt-get clean
  2. Add Eocortex repository:

    wget -O - | bash
  3. Install all required packages (dependencies):

    sudo apt-get install -d -y eocortex-long-term-database-service
  4. Create the LongTermDatabasePackages directory and transfer all downloaded packages to it:

    mkdir ~/LongTermDatabasePackages/ && cp -R /var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb ~/LongTermDatabasePackages/
  5. After that, copy the entire LongTermDatabasePackages directory to a USB drive and transfer the data to the server. Install the Long-term database service and all dependencies using the following command:

    sudo dpkg -i /path_to_LongTermDatabasePackages/*.deb

The following dependency packages must be installed in the operating system for the service to work:

  • aspnetcore-runtime-6.0 (>= 6.0)

  • debconf (>= 0.5)

  • postgresql-12

During the online installation the dependency packages will be installed automatically, while during the offline installation they may require to be installed manually.

To check if a package is installed and its version, use the command dpkg -s %package_name%.


To update the service, run the following commands:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install eocortex-long-term-database-service

Or download a new version package from the repository and install it manually using the dpkg command.


To uninstall the service, use the following command:

sudo apt-get remove eocortex-long-term-database-service
Online installation
  1. Add Eocortex repository:

    wget -O - | bash
  2. Install the service.

    sudo yum install eocortex-long-term-database-service
Offline installation


For this installation method, you will need a computer with Internet access and the same operating system as the one on which you want to install the Long-term database service.

  1. Add Eocortex repository:

    wget -O - | bash
  2. Install yum extensions:

    sudo yum install -y yum-utils
  3. Install all required packages (dependencies):

    sudo yumdownloader --downloadonly --downloaddir=~/LongTermDatabasePackages eocortex-long-term-database-service --resolve
  4. After that, copy the entire LongTermDatabasePackages directory to a USB drive and transfer the data to the server. Install the Long-term database service and all dependencies using the following command:

    sudo rpm -ivh /path_to_LongTermDatabasePackages/*.rpm

The following dependency packages must be installed in the operating system for the service to work:

  • aspnetcore-runtime-6.0 >= 6.0

  • policycoreutils-python >= 2.5

  • postgresql12-server

During the online installation the dependency packages will be installed automatically, while during the offline installation they may require to be installed manually.

To check if a package is installed and its version, use the command sudo rpm -qa | grep %package_name%.


To update the service, run the following command:

sudo yum update eocortex-long-term-database-service

Or download a new version package from the repository and install it manually using the rpm command.


To uninstall the service, use the following command:

sudo yum remove eocortex-long-term-database-service
Network settings of the service


These settings should be made on the device where the service is installed.

As part of the installation process, a configuration file appsettings.json containing network settings will be created in the root directory of the service.

Default path:


Below is an example of default settings:

    "Application": {
        "Brand": "Eocortex",
        "AppName": "LongTermDatabase"
    "Logging": {
        "LogLevel": {
            "Default": "Information",
            "Microsoft.AspNetCore": "Warning"
    "AllowedHosts": "*",
    "AlwaysRedirectToHttps": false,
    "Network": {
        "Endpoints": {
            "Http": {
                "Url": "http://*:8999"
    "ConnectionStrings": {
        "DefaultConnectionString": "Host=localhost;Port=5432;Database=longtermdatabase;Username=eocortex;Password=masterkey;",
        "ConnectionStringWithDatabasePlaceholder": "Host=localhost;Port=5432;Database={0};Username=eocortex;Password=masterkey;"

To change the HTTP port, find the following section in the configuration file:

"Network": {
    "Endpoints": {
        "Http": {
            "Url": "http://*:8999"

And set a custom port in the Url line instead of the default 8999.

To add an SSL certificate to the service configuration and enable HTTPS connection, change the Network section as follows:

"Network": {
    "Endpoints": {
        "Http": {
            "Url": "http://*:8999"
        "HttpsInlineCertFile": {
            "Url": "https://*:18999",
            "Certificate": {
                "Path": "path_to_the_cert",
                "Password": "cert_password"


  • Path: Location of the PFX file of the certificate.

  • Password: Password of the certificate.


Changing the HTTPS port can be done similarly to the HTTP protocol, but for the HttpsInlineCertFile section.

To enable forced redirection of all requests to the service to a secured connection, find and change the value from false to true for the following line:

"AlwaysRedirectToHttps": false,


After saving the settings, the service must be restarted via the Services snap-in to take all changes into effect.


Changing other settings provided in the configuration file may cause the service to malfunction or fail. It is not recommended to change settings that are not described in the present documentation.

Related references