
For setting up servers in the Eocortex Configurator application, go to the /config/svg/ico-tab-servers.png Servers tab


The list of servers is shown in the left part of the /config/svg/ico-tab-servers.png Servers tab. At the top of this list, the search field that allows to find the server by name or IP address is available above. To the right of the list you can find the page with the tabs of settings related to the position selected in the list. Moreover, some settings for the selected position are called from the context menu.

The list of servers contains the records of three types marked by the corresponding icons:

For the main and subordinate servers, their names and addresses are stated to the right of the icons.


Server name is not a unique feature, that is why a system may contain various servers with the same name. To rename a server it is required to double click on its name or open a context menu and select Rename, then enter a new name and press Enter.


If the Eocortex Configurator application cannot access the server, such server is marked by the /config/servers/svg/ico-server-off.png icon.


The servers which encounter problems are marked with the /config/servers/svg/ico-server-error.png icon.

The pages of the settings of the main and the subordinate servers contain the following tabs:

Server settings context menu items:

  • Rename: renaming server.

  • Configure: special server settings.

  • Disconnect: disconnection of the server from the system.

  • Make main: making the server main in the system.

Buttons under the list of servers:

  • /config/servers/svg/ico-server-add.png Add server: connection of the server to system.

  • /svg/ico-table.png Server table: the list of all the servers in system.