Different databases of faces and license plates for different cameras🔗

Eocortex permits to create a database of faces or license plates for a specific camera or a group of cameras. It allows to add cameras of different users to the system and to work with various databases.

The support of several databases is available for the following modules:

  • Face Recognition (Complete).

  • License Plate Recognition (Complete).


The setup of different databases for different cameras is available only via REST API.


It is required to specify the same unique identifier of a database to use the same unique database on several cameras.


The identifier of the database is the DbId string that can only be set via REST API.

To perform the setup, it is required to do the following:

  1. Enable the module on the camera in the Eocortex Configurator application.

  2. Send a request with the same value of the DbId parameter to nodify the settings of the corresponding recognition module via REST API for all cameras on which it is required to use the same unique database.

  3. In the Eocortex Configurator application, go to the /config/svg/ico-tab-users.png Users tab and press the Users of Eocortex applications button, then set up the rights in such a way as to grant each user the access only to those cameras that have the same database identifier.


When editing a database from the Eocortex Client application, it is imperative that all the cameras of the connected client have the same database; otherwise, one of the databases will be selected randomly.

Limitations and unique features

The Database identifier field has been added to the settings of each module to enable the user to set a unique database.

../_images/base-identifier-on1.png ../_images/base-lpr-identifier-on.png


The Database identifier field is not initially displayed upon enabling the License Plate Recognition (Complete) or Face Recognition (Complete) modules.

../_images/base-identifier-off.png ../_images/base-lpr-identifier-off.png


To use this feature, it is required to specify the Database identifier via REST API.

The blank value of the identifier is indicative of the fact that all the cameras are interacting with the same database.

The quantity of the unique databases is not limited.

The number of cameras that can be connected to the selected database is not limited.

Filename creation rules

For the face database: DatabaseID_FRDATABASECOMPLETE.FDB.


  • FRDATABASECOMPLETE.FDB: common face database Complete.

  • USER12713_FRDATABASECOMPLETE.FDB: unique face database Complete.

For license plate databases: DatabaseID_PRDATABASE.FDB.


  • PRDATABASE.FDB: common license plate database.

  • USER12713_PRDATABASE.FDB: unique license plate database.


The similar rules apply for the replicated databases.


The filename (Database ID) must be no more than 32 symbols long, contain Latin letters, numbers and the underscore (_). If this rule is not followed, the unique database will not be set.

The Database ID is case-insensitive — the same database will be created for myperfectdb and MyPeRfeCtDb.