Requirements and recommendations🔗

For the proper operation of the module, it is recommended to ensure that the following conditions are met:

The camera must be installed vertically. A different way of camera installation may adversely affect the counting accuracy.

The recommended minimum camera installation height is 3 meters above the ground.

The camera must be fixed.

Depending on the operation conditions, the framerate must be as follows:

  • Several people in frame: at least 10 fps;

  • Separately moving people in frame: at least 5 fps.

For reducing false triggering due to the changes of the background and lighting, it is required to ensure uniform illumination without flicker and sharp changes of brightness. The presence of moving foreign objects in the camera field of view is to be avoided because such objects may also be counted.

If the Separately moving people in frame option is used and there are moving foreign objects in the frame, including such objects as doors, escalators etc., it is recommended to specify the detection zone that does not include these objects in the software motion detector settings.