Installing, updating and removing Eocortex Union🔗


To install Eocortex Union, download the Eocortex Union archive archive from the website and execute the following commands in the console:

tar -xf eocortex-union.tar.gz

cd eocortex-union

chmod +x ./

sudo ./


During the installation process, it will be required to enter the IP address or fully qualified domain name that will be used to access Eocortex Union. (Examples:,

Go to the specified address can after successful completion of the installation.


To update Eocortex Union, it is required to download the eocortex-union.tar.gz archive with the current version of Eocortex Union and repeat the installation steps. In this case, there will be no need to enter the server address.


To remove Eocortex Union, execute the following command:
