Administrator Personal Area🔗

To enter the Administrator personal area, go to the address address_union/admin**(e.g., ** or To log in, to have use the credentials of the Eocortex Union administrator.

Administrator personal area settings

The settings of the administrator's personal area are located on the Settings page in the Administering tab.



During the initial deployment of the platform, one Eocortex Union administrator is created with the following credentials:

  • username: root;

  • password: blank password;

  • Email: blank email.

Email, just like username, belongs to credentials.


When setting up an administrator account for the first time, it is recommended to change the username and password, and provide an Email.


If no administrator email is specified, it will not be possible to reset and recover the password. Also, in this case, the administrator will not receive notifications from the system health monitoring service (if the email of the recipient of monitoring notifications is not specified, all notifications are sent to the administrator).

Resetting administrator’s password

To recover the password, it is required to click the button Forgot your password? in the authorization form.


It is required to specify the administrator's email in the password reset form that opens. Upon clicking the Reset Password button, a message with a password reset confirmation code will be sent to the specified email.


This code must be entered in the password recovery form. A new password must also be entered there.