Long-term database🔗
Store the events of selected categories in a dedicated Long-term database service database without concern that they will be wiped out if the archive is deleted or overwritten.
This feature is available only for Enterprise and ULTRA licenses.
The events stored in the main database of the Eocortex server are limited by the archive records and exist as long as the archive for the time of the event exists. If the archive storage time has expired or the disk space for the archive recording has reached the limit, both the archive and the main database events associated with it will be deleted.
The Long-term database service allows to:
Synchronize events of selected categories from the main databases and store them independently of the main database settings.
Set up an individual lifetime for each category of events.
Store full text information about the event in the same manner as in the main database.
For some event categories, store frames associated with the event.
Seamlessly view events from the main and service databases in the Eocortex Client application.
Use events from the service database when building most of the reports in the Eocortex Client application.
Requirements and limitations
The Long-term database service is a standalone application and must be installed individually.
The service can be installed on any computer without installing the Eocortex Server on it.
Only one service instance can be configured for the entire system.
A single service instance can be connected to multiple Eocortex systems at the same time.
The Long-term database service can be used simultaneously with the Episode archive service, but they do not communicate with each other.
Only those events will be transferred to the service database that happened after completing the service setup in the Eocortex Configurator application.
Events from the service database cannot be used to build a report for the Search for objects module due to the fact that this module uses archive records in addition to the events when building a report.
If one of the servers is disconnected from a multiserver system that is connected to the service, such a server will be treated by the service as a new system and will require reconfiguration of the interaction in the Eocortex Configurator application.