
Various issues may occur when working with EVA: from server failures up to interruption of the Internet connection. In such cases, EVA informs the user about the issue when trying to execute the command.

Why does EVA not understand the person's last name?

Some last names may be difficult to process or recognize from a voice command. There are several restrictions:

  • Everything that EVA did not recognize as a first and last name when adding a person to the face database will be added as the last name right after the recognized part, regardless of the order in which the phrase was pronounced.


    Sample 1

    Sample 2


    unrecognized_part Smith John

    Smith John unrecognized_part

    Recognized last name

    Smith unrecognized_part

    Smith unrecognized_part

    Recognized first name



  • When a last name has been successfully recognized and a first name is not, both parts will be added to the database as the last name with the unrecognized part added after the recognized one, regardless of the order in which the phrase was pronounced.

  • During the execution of the Add to group a *person* command, EVA will process only the recognized part. When manually specifying the last name, first name, or patronymic, everything that the user enters will be counted.

  • EVA does not accept words with punctuation marks when searching for and adding persons to the database.