Keys for installing Eocortex applications from the command line🔗
Installation must be done from the command line as Administrator.
Trying to install an existing application will update it.
/LANG — select installation language.
/LOG — create a log file of the installation process. The file will be located in the C:/Users/User/AppData/Local/Temp repository. The name of the file is generated as follows: Setup Log {Setup Date} #{order number}.txt. For example, Setup Log 2024-04-23 #007.txt.
/MONITORING — install the Monitoring service.
/SETUPCLIENT — install Eocortex Client application.
/SETUPSERVER — install Eocortex Server application.
/SETUPSTANDALONE — install Eocortex Standalone application.
/SkipGpuCheck=yes — disable checking if the video card is compatible with neural network requirements when installing neural network package.
/VERYSILENT — silent installation. If there are already installed applications, they will be updated, otherwise the Eocortex Client application will be installed.
The /MONITORING, /SETUPCLIENT, /SETUPSERVER, /SETUPSTANDALONE and /X86 keys will not be counted if the /VERYSILENT key is not specified.
/X86 — checks the bitness of the software. Indicates the need to reinstall components and the possibility of installing a 32-bit version of the component if necessary.
This key is not supported in the 32-bit version of Windows.