
Integration of the Eocortex with external systems🔗



Integration with Honeywell's Pro-Watch® comprehensive security platform1

Receiving events from Honeywell's Pro-Watch®, setting response to these events, and viewing the received events in the Events Log of the Eocortex Client application

Integration with the Paxton Net2 systems1

Receiving Paxton Net2 events, setting up responses to such events as well as viewing the received events in the Events Log of the Eocortex Client application; sending the event that initiates opening of a door from Eocortex to Paxton Net2

Integration with Siemens DMS8000 ACS and FAS1

Receiving events from Siemens DMS8000, setting response to these events, and viewing the received events in the Events Log of the Eocortex Client application

Integration with BioStar 2

Receiving events from BioStar 2 in the real-time mode, storing them in the archive and using them in automation scenarios.

Sending commands to the ACS to control the door state

Integration with ZKBioSecurity ACS

Receiving events from the ZKBioSecurity ACS, configuring automatic actions in response to received events, viewing received events in the Events log of the Eocortex Client application

1 Not supported on GNU/Linux family operating systems